Kate Vargas's song " If you love me" is in rotation on the site.
1. What are 3 words that describe your music?
Organic and gritty, but tasty (I hope!).
2. Do you write your own music? If so, what inspires you?
I do write my own music. I'm sometimes surprised by what inspires me. Occasionally it's a big feeling or event in my life, but more often it's a few words I hear on the subway or an interaction between two people that I'm moved by and able to weave into a story.
3. What do you like to snack on while writing or working on music?
I need a stupid amount of diet soda when I sit down to write. I'm working on that, but my newest favorite snack is sesame honey cashews and dried green mango from Trader Joe's. Mix the two together and I'm good to go. Very inspirational!
4. What is one food you cannot resist?
I'm a sweets person. I need something really sweet during my day or else I get grumpy. Chocolate always does the trick.
5. Where can we find and download your music?
My website is http://www.kate-vargas.com. You can listen to my music, check out my upcoming shows or Facebook like me there.
I also have a free download available at http://katevargas.bandcamp.com/track/the-music-2 .
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